Videhut is your ultimate portal to the world of cinema, providing you instant access to a vast collection of HD and SD trailers, clips, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content from both blockbuster Hollywood productions and captivating independent films. With the app, you have the ease of keeping track of your most anticipated movies by adding them to your Favorites, ensuring you'll be the first to know when they make their grand entrance to theaters or become available for viewing.
Keep track of your most anticipated movies
This platform not only serves as a visual feast for movie enthusiasts but also doubles as a comprehensive music player, supporting a variety of audio file formats. Effortlessly organize and locate music on your phone with the help of its intuitive navigation. Experience seamless playback controls directly from the notification status, convenient headset or Bluetooth connectivity, lock screen control support, and the ability to indulge in your playlists with shuffle and repeat options, all while continuing to enjoy your content in the background. Whether you're eagerly awaiting the latest film releases or managing your personal soundtrack, it caters to both visual and auditory entertainment needs.
Users will appreciate the versatility of this application. It assures you won't miss out on the latest film buzz and also enriches your music listening experience. Videhut truly stands as a central hub for a wide range of media pleasure.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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